Custom Smoke Hawk

SKU: TH-643


# TH-643 Smoke Hawk  >  Here is a replica of a Northern Plains Pierced Heart Pipe Axe.  This “Hawk” is 21 inches long and features a 9 inch Hand-Forged and Polished Iron Head. 

This pipe is DRILLED FOR SMOKING! This Presentation Smoke Hark makes a great gift and/or Wall Decor. 

Additional items used are:

<>  Reproduction Trade Felt  <>  Brass Tacks  <>  Buckskin Leather  <>  Cobalt Blue Crow Roller Beads  <>  Sinew

<>  Buffalo Teeth  (Water Buffalo)  <>  Wrapped  & finished Turkey Feather  <>  Brass Beads  “Trade” Beads

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